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YOUR Best Options

Considering Having a Facelift?

Before you decide to have a facelift, it's important to understand what it entails, and whether you're a good candidate. There's a lot of valuable information available, but a lot of misleading info, too. Since everyone is different - when it comes to facial anatomy, health history, aesthetic goals, etc. - no amount of online research can replace a detailed in-person consultation with an experienced facelift surgeon.


We created this website to serve as a trusted resource about facelifts and necklifts - including information you didn't know you needed! - directly from the perspective of leading facial plastic surgeons Dr. David Lieberman and Dr. Sachin Parikh of L&P Aesthetics.

Read the FAQs, peruse some B&As to see what's possible, and especially Watch the Videos.
If you're still interested, please consider scheduling a consultation!

The L&P Facelift


Because aesthetic surgery requires high levels of both technical talent and aesthetic judgment, it's very important to choose the right surgeon. A surgeon's credentials, social media, pictures of their work, and online reviews are interesting, but not always useful. If you're serious about getting a facelift, a detailed consultation with an L&P surgeon is a very good investment...even if you don't choose our practice for your surgery!

At L&P Aesthetics, we believe in doing what's best for every patient. We don't believe in a "one size fits all" approach to aesthetics, and our consultations are NOT sales pitches. They are educational, personalized, and comprehensive. If you do decide to have surgery with us, the consultation is the first step in the meticulous planning process of our surgeons, who strive for structural and artistic perfection in every procedure. 

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Education Station - Video Library

  • Click on individual videos to watch them directly within the frame below.

  • Use the ARROWS to move Left and Right to see more videos.

  • Use the "tabs" at the top ("The Truth About Facelifts" and "The Neckline") to move between pages. 


Facelift FAQs

What is a facelift?

A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that is used to improve the appearance of the face by removing excess skin and tightening the underlying muscles and other structures. It is typically performed on the lower half of the face, including the jawline and neck, but it can also be used to treat wrinkles and sagging skin on the upper half of the face.

Who is a good candidate for a facelift?

Ideal candidates for a facelift are in good overall health, do not smoke, and have realistic expectations for the procedure. A facelift can be effective for people who have sagging skin, wrinkles, or a loss of definition in the lower half of the face. It is most commonly performed on people over the age of 40, but can be done at any age.

How is a facelift performed?

There are several different techniques that can be used to perform a facelift, and the specific approach will depend on the individual's unique needs and goals. In general, the procedure involves making incisions in the skin to access the underlying muscles and tissues. The surgeon will then reposition and tighten these tissues, and may also remove excess skin to create a smoother, more youthful appearance.

How long does a facelift take?

The length of a facelift procedure can vary depending on the complexity of the case and what other procedures will be performed during the same surgery. We perform every facelift as an outpatient procedure in our own accredited Surgery Center, under the same roof as our L&P Aesthetics office in Palo Alto where you may have your consultation.

What is the recovery time for a facelift?

Recovery from a facelift can take several weeks. During this time, patients may experience swelling, bruising, and some discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication. Most people are able to return to work and other normal activities within a few weeks, although strenuous activities should be avoided for several weeks.

Are there any risks associated with a facelift?

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with a facelift, including bleeding, infection, scarring, and reactions to anesthesia. However, these risks are rare, and most people are able to undergo the procedure without experiencing any complications.

How long do the results of a facelift last?

The results of a facelift can last for several years, although the exact length of time will depend on factors such as the individual's skin type, age, and lifestyle. To maintain the results of a facelift, it is important to follow a healthy skin care routine and protect the skin from sun damage.

What's the difference between a facelift and a necklift?

A facelift improves the look of the lower two-thirds of the face - from the midface to the jawline - by removing excess skin and "lifting" the underlying structures.

A necklift, on the other hand, is a surgical procedure that is specifically designed to improve the appearance of the neck, which includes everything from the jawline to the collarbone. It may involve a combination of techniques such as liposuction, skin tightening, and muscle repositioning to address issues such as excess fat, sagging skin, and muscle laxity in the neck.


At L&P Aesthetics, the surgeons perform a facelift AND necklift during a combined procedure - the L&P Signature Facelift. However, younger patients who haven't started to see changes in the midface and jawline that just want to reduce bulk or excess laxity in the neck may be candidates for an isolated midline neck lift that focuses specifically on that area.


Schedule a consultation with Dr. Lieberman, Dr. Parikh, or Dr. Curti to learn what would be the best course of action for you. Their consultations are extremely detailed and include meticulous examination - visual observation and tactile feeling of the face and neck structures - in order to make a personalized, specific recommendation.

What is a consultation like?

For patients that are good candidates for a facelift or necklift, the consultation is the first, very involved step of the doctors' surgical planning and they spend significant time with the patient. The consultation fee is a well-spent investment for people who are serious about their inquiry, and at L&P Aesthetics, it's always credited toward the procedure, when and if it's performed.

L&P Aesthetics was founded in 2012 by Dr. David Lieberman and Dr. Sachin Parikh - Stanford-educated, double board-certified plastic surgeons - to focus exclusively on perfecting the "art and science" of facial aesthetics. 

Drs. L&P have expanded the practice to include skin care and med spa services, a second office, and a third surgeon - Dr. Steven Curti.


Now with locations in Palo Alto and Los Gatos, CA, L&P Aesthetics is proud to be a long-time Bay Area favorite, providing the full range of facial aesthetic solutions - from facials to facelifts! 

United by the values of Expertise, Integrity, and Excellence, the entire L&P team is dedicated to offering meticulous, patient-centric care in a luxurious, discreet environment.

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Dr. Lieberman, Dr. Curti, and Dr. Parikh


Can a face lift, brow and eyelid lift surgery actually feel like a trip to a spa? Can it make you feel like you are their favorite, their only client? Like the day is only about you? If you choose L&P Aesthetics that will be your experience.

From my first consultation with Dr. Parikh to my phone calls from my nurse and anesthesiologist the night before my my follow up appointments with the doctors and staff, I felt not only absolutely confident in my care, but pampered and heard from start to finish.

I now find myself looking at L&P Aesthetics' Instagram page as though I am following close family and friends. Did I mention, no bruising and able to leave my house a few days after my surgery?! Thank you L&P Aesthetics!

Jennifer B.

As a physician and surgeon myself, I spent many months determining the best practice and surgeons to obtain my face and neck lift consultation and ultimately perform my surgery. From the consultation, to the preoperative call, to the surgery and postoperative course, I could not have been more impressed with the team and the surgeons. Drs. Lieberman and Parikh are the best in the business. They are dedicated to their craft and their treatment of their patients. I love my results and would recommend them without hesitation or reservations. Treat yourself!

Sharla S.

I am feeling especially grateful this morning for the expertise of Drs. Lieberman and Parikh of L & P Aesthetics, in Palo Alto, CA.

I entered their offices 2 1/2 years ago after interviewing six different plastic surgeons. Being that I have been in and out of their practice many times I feel justified commenting not only on their excellence but their friendliness and compassion.

I am now 73 years old and I continue to be thrilled with what I see in my mirror. I do not look like I had a facelift and multiple other procedures. The surgery took years off my appearance and sparked a renewal within. Now my exterior is more aligned with my youthful interior. It's been a positive life change. No regrets - ever!

Jen H.

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